Tuesday, May 10, 2011


  Okay so these days I hear a lot about how judgmental christians are and how hypocritical we can be. We hear in our everyday lives that some christians themselves are putting judgement on other people. Some christians are pointing fingers and blaming people saying you're the reason bad things are happening in the world. Or you shouldn't be living this way or that way. This is not the norm or the majority.
   In the bible I have never read a judgmental, or hypocritical word come out of the mouth of Jesus. Whenever I think of him all I think about is what a loving, selfless person He is. He showed kindness to everyone He came into contact with. No matter what religion, race, political views or whatever, love is shown. Why are so many of us not projecting these same characteristics? I mean we are suppose to be in his likeness.
   I believe the greatest tool we have in living a christian life is showing love. Its like that famous saying "love conquers all".  In the bible Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment? He answered..  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22: 37-39). By showing love and kindness to people and being nonjudgmental shows the true character of God. So many people out there are seeking it. God is not the way most of us portray him. He is not this big angry guy who says do this and do that or else. He is full of love and mercy and only wants the best for us. He is always fighting on our behalf. He desires a relationship with us. Just as much as you desire a relationship with a mate or close friend God also desires of us. He wants all to know of his love and live long and prosperous as originally intended. In doing so we can turn so many more people onto this way of life instead of away. I have seen the love of God in action in so many ways in my life I wouldn't want anyone deprived from it. And truth is so many of us are laying down all we have just to share with others the goodness of God. We don't always get to hear about all the ones who are selfless helping those in desperate need. Or the ones who go out of their way to love their neighbor or co worker unconditionally no matter their walk of life. Sometimes all we can do is show them love and the rest will soon speak for itself. So a little more loving and a lot less judging. Let your actions speak through you and for you.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Her children rise up and call her blessed

 Back in the day when I was little I would get in trouble for getting into my moms make up without permission. Even though I knew I would get in trouble I just could not resist. I don't know if my mom knows this but I would also wear her shoes and old purses and also some of her earrings. I loved dressing up in her things. I wanted to be just like her. I have a daughter now who does the same thing. I frequently find her getting into my very expensive make up. I find all my old shoes scattered around my room after she's been playing in there. I guess it's my payback ;) Still to this day I want to be just like my Momma. I want to have her kindness, her positive attitude, always seeing the good in people and every situation. I want her strength and grace. I want my children to be inspired by me the way I am inspired by her.

 This past week My parents drove over 1,200 miles to be with us. While they were here we got to celebrate Mother's Day with my Mom. What a special treat for me and my sister. What a great women to celebrate. I love all the times we get to spend together. I take none of them for granted. Every time we get together we are always laughing and having such a good time. Oh, to be a fly on the wall when we get together ha. We love telling old stories and sharing new ones. We pick up right where we left off from last time. Such good times!! Their visits never seem long enough. I can hardly wait for our next time together! 

Proverbs 31:28-31 

       28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; 
      Her husband also, and he praises her: 
       29 “ Many daughters have done well, 
      But you excel them all.” 
       30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, 
      But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. 
       31 Give her of the fruit of her hands, 
      And let her own works praise her in the gates.

Happy Mother's Day Momma!